
Sidewall film -

Intermediary staging




Image Film 6 Minutes



Expo 2000 GmbH



Triptychon from 3 backside video projectors


On the Side - Walls of the forest area there are abstract video sequences The projections on the walls transport the audience in a dream-like atmosphere of the forest. The cinematic frame, the backdrop, as well a lively and dynamic stage design bring out a mysterious and unfathomable character to the scenery.

Intermediary staging

At the end of the film a forest fire appears on all screens. The intermediary staging is accompanied by a change of light and sound of the whole forest area. In the sound design there are alternating strong rainfalls, sounds of a forest fire as well a sound of a jungle bulldozer, taking out trees. All elements of this exhibition area combined for a moment to one singular composition.

Concept and directors

Pia Liedel and Georg Schmitt

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